‘Keetyblogging III: Recovery

Posted by Ace on November 12th, 2010 filed in letters from Ace

Little Chickenshit finally came out of her cage today, for the first time since Helena died.  Not sure what the motivating factor was;  possibly hearing other birds outside.  I had one or two of the windows open to circulate the air after being sick for the past few days.

She’s sitting on the corner of the couch between a high pillow and a bookcase, picking at various things.  The location has a similar sense of enclosure to that of her cage.  Also, it’s hard for her to move:  her claws have never been clipped, and they get caught on anything fabric-like, requiring some exertion on her part to free them.  But she won’t let me help her, at least not until she gets tired and hungry.  So here we sit.

I figure it’s good for her.

One Response to “‘Keetyblogging III: Recovery”

  1. Ace Says:

    Son of a bitch! She’s trimming her own nails, with her beak, to make it easier for her to get around.

    Nature. Go figure…