
Posted by Ace on June 20th, 2011 filed in ADHD, Tales of the Interregnum

Jack is safely bundled off to go see Grandma upstate.  He was carrying his final report card with him when I picked him up from school;  we opened it in the car, before his mother came out of work, and discovered that his third marking period grades had SKYROCKETED.  He jumped at least one letter grade higher in nearly every subject, all across the board, and one number grade higher in nearly every subcategory.  The exception was Science, in which he dropped from an A to a B–  and which all things considered, seems pretty minor!

Also:  as I was telling him goodbye, he called out cheerily, “Maybe I can write you a postcard!”  And then, as his mother looked at him funny, added, “What?  He wrote me postcards when he went away.”  To which she only replied, “I know…”

One Response to “Vindication”

  1. yoko Says:

    Postcards for everyone!