
Posted by Ace on March 31st, 2009 filed in letters from Ace

As of tonight, I have finally cancelled my cable television service.

I feel naked and nervous.  What if all the computers blow up and the radios die and SOMETHING HAPPENS and I DON’T KNOW?  (gasp!)  But the functional effect on my day to day life will be zero.  I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve watched TV over the past year, at least of my own volition.  I was keeping it around for Jack, and he doesn’t watch it when he’s here either, because we go out places and listen to music, and build things and play video games and board games.  The last time we tried, on a weekend when we were so bored we couldn’t figure out what to do with ourselves, we turned it on and watched for all of ten minutes. Then, as if by unspoken agreement, we glanced at each other and said simultaneously, “Let’s play Spore.”

I was excited about the savings, too-  until Kromcast (who, by the way, will not let you cancel any of their services via their web site, forcing you to navigate their customer service 800 number and wait on hold for 20 minutes instead) informed me that cancelling my cable TV package would result in a $17 per month increase in the cost of my high-speed Internet package, as I was receiving that at a discount for having cable!  This is an out-and-out lie, or at the very least, was never mentioned to me at any time during my acquisition of said package.  Screw them.  I’m still $43 per month ahead of the game.  And if FIOS ever finally meanders its way West of the Rivers, I’ll kick them to the curb so fast their pointy heads will spin.

3 Responses to “Withdrawal”

  1. Yoko Says:

    Yes, the internet is discounted as a bundle with tv. If you had gotten the phone service, there would be a further discount. But I agree– it’s a scam, no matter how you look at it.

    I have basic cable, which I only keep for football, which is what, 5 months out of the year? I occasionally watch Food Network, but really, the only other time I watch tv is when I’m sick. And I’m not sick that often.

    I’m really hoping FIOS is available where I’m moving to, so I don’t have to deal with the Evil Empire anymore.

  2. Church Says:

    Heh- that is one of the few benefits that I get with my condo. Free cable!

    It only costs me $400 in condo fees and–
    HEY wait a minute……

  3. Prioritization | Tales of the Interregnum Says:

    […] I have FIOS now, fulfilling my ancient vow, and upon which many other things were waiting.  After a rough start, it seems to be working […]