Moving VII: Blow by Blow

Posted by Ace on May 18th, 2010 filed in letters from Ace, moving

— Unpacked all the boxes that were in the kitchen and did the best I could to put the items within them away.  Recovered the hand blender, several key pans and all the missing silverware, but unleashed at the same time a spate of iced-tea brewers, pizza trays, casserole pans and other storage-problematic infrequent-use items.  Have deduced by inventory of the total kitchen contents that there are still at least two boxes of kitchen items buried somewhere in the mess, and my entire beautiful bamboo tray full of small conveniences, too large to store anywhere and too nice to get rid of, remains undealt with.

— Removed the card table from Jack’s room and put it in the kitchen, along with two chairs.  Biggest improvement of the past two weeks–  it’s small enough to fit the space, gives me a surface and takes the place of the currently totally non-functional real table, which is buried under boxes in the living room.  Now Jack has a place to sit by me while I cook again, and we both have a place to sit down and eat like human beings.

— Purchased a basic black plastic stepstool from Home Despot, for everyone’s use, including Dragonia’s.

— Cleaned Jack’s room out completely by moving everything that was left inside it either into the living room or into storage, making a place for him to play.  Assessed sofa-beds at Ikea, with an eye towards purchasing one for him to use.

–  Reconnected the wireless Internet router, and got it running.  Restored Internet to the Wii.  (The laptop, which blew up on my last trip, remains non-functional.)

– Located the old bedroom curtains and retrieved them from the pile of garbage bags.  Purchased a curtain rod from Home Despot and hung said curtains in the bedroom.  They are too long for the new windows, but provide over 50% of the mission-critical light obscuration that might allow me to start sleeping past 6:40 AM and/or get more than 5 hours of sleep a night.

— Assessed rolling kitchen workstations at Ikea.  Identified potential target for delivery at the same time as the hypothetical sofa-bed.

— Assessed track lighting at Home Despot.  Data inconclusive.

— Measured bedroom doorway and assessed door options at Home Despot.  Doorway is 29 inches wide, effectively 28 and 3/4, allowing for hardware and small variations in the surface.  Rail systems for sliding bi-fold doors come in 24′” or 30″ increments.  Bi-fold doors themselves come in identical sizes.  Conferred with salesperson and was informed that there is no such thing as a 29″ bi-fold door (29 being an odd number), nor any “off-the-rack” standard door that is 29″ in width.  Such a door would have to be custom-made, at increased time, and possibly increased expense.  (Wow…  who’d have guessed that?  Oh wait!  I did!)

— Took picture of remaining undealt-with chaos in living room:

— Gave up and drank more beer.

One Response to “Moving VII: Blow by Blow”

  1. Church Says:

    /me toasts progress.

    One bite at a time my friend!